Game Description
"Power Rangers Samurai" is an action-packed game based on the popular Power Rangers franchise. Developed by Nintendo for the Wii console, the game follows the adventures of the Samurai Rangers as they battle against the evil forces of the Nighlok.Now, thanks to the Dolphin emulator, Android users can also enjoy this thrilling game on their mobile devices. The Dolphin emulator is a free and open-source software that allows users to run Wii games on their Android phones or tablets.
The game features five playable characters, each with their unique weapons and abilities. The players can switch between the Rangers during the gameplay to use their skills strategically. Moreover, players can also unlock new power-ups, Zords, and Megazords to aid them in their battles.
The game's story mode follows the plot of the TV series, where the Samurai Rangers must stop the Nighlok from opening a portal to the Netherworld and unleashing its evil forces. In addition to the story mode, the game also includes a multiplayer mode, where up to four players can battle it out in epic samurai-style combat.
With its engaging storyline, challenging gameplay, and stunning graphics, "Power Rangers Samurai" is an excellent game for fans of the Power Rangers franchise. And now, with the Dolphin emulator, Android users can experience this exciting game on the go!
Follow these steps carefully to run the without any problems.
1. Download both Game file and Dolphin emulator from the links given below.
2. Download Zarchiever Application from Play Store.
3. Open Zarchiever app and Extract Game file of Power Rangers Samurai.
4. Now open Dolphin Emulator App and go where you had extract that file and click on the Power Rangers Samurai poster.